Head supervision writer: Efthimis Hatzis In this gripping crime scene series, five highly skilled professionals—Markos, Dimitris, Haris, Daphne, and Anna—form an elite investigative team in the Forensics Department. They are experts in criminology, profiling, forensic science, and evidence analysis. Their mission is to unlock the secrets left behind at crime scenes, delving into the biological and psychological microcosms of the perpetrator. Using both imaginative insight and logical reasoning, they piece together intricate puzzles, knowing that no matter how careful the criminal is, traces are always left behind. Cast Starring: Dimitris Alexandris, Nikos Kouris, Marilita Lambropoulou, Iro Loupi, Gogo Brembou, Giannis Dalianis, Giannis Zouganelis, Niki Pallikaraki Crew Script: Writing Team Directed by: Vasilis Tselemegkos